50 Hunter Safety Tips
- Wear hunter orange at all times so you can be seen.
- Go hunting with at least one partner.
- Tell other people when and where you’ll be hunting.
- Carry a flashlight while walking through the hunting area before or after daylight.
- Treat every gun as if it were loaded at all times.
- Control your emotions.
- Wear hearing and eye protection.
- Be aware of what’s between you and your target, as well as what’s beyond your target.
- Before you pull the trigger, you must properly identify game animals.
- Never take a shot at any animals on top of ridges or hillsides.
- Know the range of your weapon.
- Never shoot at flat, hard surfaces, such as water, rocks or steel because of ricochets.
- Every time you pick up a firearm, check to see if it is loaded.
- Be sure the chamber and magazine are empty.
- Be sure you know where your companions are at all times.
- Never swing your gun or bow out of your safe zone-of-fire.
- If in doubt, never take a shot.
- Keep the gun’s action open.
- Only load the gun when you’re ready to use it.
- Never point a gun at yourself or another person.
- Always point the muzzle in a safe direction.
- Do not point a firearm or bow at anything you do not intend to shoot.
- Never rest a muzzle on your toe or foot.
- Keep your finger out of the trigger guard until the instant you are ready to fire.
- Always keep the safety on until ready to fire.
- Watch your muzzle so others don’t have to.
- You should also keep your gun’s safety on until you are ready to fire.
- Don’t rely on your gun’s safety.
- Avoid horseplay with firearms.
- Never climb a fence, a tree or a ladder with a loaded firearm or bow and arrows.
- Never hoist a loaded weapon into a stand.
- Never load or carry a loaded weapon until you are ready to use it.
- Always unload weapons before riding in any vehicle, including ATVs.
- Raise and lower your unloaded rifle with a rope or cord when using a tree stand.
- Always use fall restraints and harnesses when you’re using a tree stand.
- Unload firearms and unstring conventional bows when not in use.
- Leave actions open.
- Store sporting arms in cases when traveling to and from shooting areas.
- Know how your equipment operates.
- Store and transport firearms and ammunition separately and under lock and key.
- Store firearms and bows in cool, dry places.
- Use gun or trigger locks and guards when not in use.
- Never jump a ditch or cross difficult terrain with a loaded firearm or nocked arrow.
- Never face or look down the barrel from the muzzle end.
- Be sure the only ammunition you carry correctly matches the gauge or caliber you are shooting.
- Always carry arrows in a protected cover or quiver.
- If you fall, be sure to disassemble the gun and check the barrel from the breech end for obstructions.
- Carry a field cleaning kit.
- Always be sure your gun barrel and action are clear of obstructions.
- Don’t drink alcohol or take drugs before or while handling firearms or bow and arrows.
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