What to do During the Off Season
You are probably itching for the next season to open. We have a few suggestions that can keep you in top form for the fall season.
Shed Hunting
February through June is a great time to hit the woods looking for shed antlers. Choose different areas from year to year. This is an adventure that you could even include young children in. They have a different perspective than you so they just might spot a shed before you. If you are on private property or protected land, check to make sure you are allowed to shed hunt.
Seeing your hunting areas during all 4 season will provide you with an edge over animals and other hunters. You can scout all year long, but be very cautious during hunting season. Scouting also gives you the opportunity to perform tree stand and blind maintenance. You could relocate or repair the stand or blind, trim shooting lanes, and clear or stach brush in strategic areas.
Shooting & Target Practice
During off season, it’s good to keep practicing. Consistent practice builds strength and skill for the upcoming season. You could go to the range a couple of times a week. If you are an archer, you can practice by shooting at stumps or hay bale targets. Challenge yourself by shooting from varying distances.
Taking hikes in your hunting area helps you get to know the land and tunes your senses to the environment. It also keeps you in shape. This is another family friendly activity.
If you have never heard of geocaching, check out www.geocaching.com. This a real-world outdoor treasure hunt. People try to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, using GPS-enabled devices. Geocaching is perfect for GPS users. It gives you the opportunity to take advantage of the features and learn the capabilities of your GPS unit.
Wildlife Watching
Observe game animals and birds in a non-hunting setting to learn about your prey. Go to a state or nation parks, wildlife sanctuaries, zoos or your hunting ground.
If you find yourself with time on your hands, there are several organizations that could use the extra help. A few suggestions we have are Ducks Unlimited, trail associations and hunter education programs.